According to IbisWorld, the market size of Australia's Temporary Staff Services industry hit a remarkable $36.8 billion in 2023. As a seasoned recruiter with over 15 years of experience, including 11 years as a leader in temporary recruitment, even I was astounded by the sheer scale of these figures. Undeniable there are advantages and compelling reasons behind the exponential growth of the temporary workforce in recent years but what are the benefits?

As an Employer:

  1. Payroll Outsourcing: By hiring temporary workers, you're not adding to your headcount. This means that all payroll accountabilities are outsourced to the staffing agency, reducing administrative burdens and costs associated with full-time employees.
  2. Specialised Skills: Temporary workers often come with specialised skills that can make an immediate impact on your organisation. Whether you need a project specialist or someone with a particular skill set, temporary workers provide the flexibility to find the right expertise for the job.
  3. Flexibility in Contract Length: One of the key advantages of temporary workers is the ability to tailor contract lengths to your business needs. You can extend or shorten contracts based on the financial performance and requirements of your organisation, ensuring you have the right resources at the right time.
  4. Building Internal Capabilities: If you're looking to build on your internal capabilities but haven't finalised your full team structure, temporary workers can keep your business moving forward. They allow you to bridge staffing gaps without committing to specific job types or descriptions, offering agility in your workforce management.
  5. Temporary Relief: Temporary workers can provide much-needed relief for burnout staff during busy periods. This helps maintain productivity, reduce stress among your permanent team, and ensures a more sustainable work environment.

As an Employee:

  1. Trial Opportunities: Temporary work is an excellent opportunity for individuals coming from overseas or interstate to get a feel for a new employer and location before committing to a full-time role. It allows for a test run and a better understanding of workplace culture.
  2. Flexibility: Flexibility is a top priority for many job seekers. Temporary roles often offer more control over work hours and schedules, enabling individuals to better balance their personal and professional lives.
  3. Technology Upskilling: Temporary work frequently involves exposure to various platforms and technologies. This provides an excellent opportunity for employees to upskill and diversify their tech proficiency.
  4. Industry Experience: Temporary work allows individuals to broaden their professional experience by working across different industries. This diversity in experience can be a valuable asset when pursuing future career opportunities.


  1. Payment Structure: Temporary workers are typically paid on an hourly or daily basis, aligning with the standard full-time workweek of 37.5 hours. Payments are generally made weekly or bi-weekly. However, it's essential to note that temporary workers are usually not compensated for public holidays or personal leave.
  2. Termination Process: While one week's notice is considered best practice, it's not the norm for temporary workers. Depending on the circumstances, termination may occur at the end of a workday, typically on a Friday.
  3. Contract Renewal: Keep in mind that even if there was initial discussion about contract extension or a potential permanent role, employers are not obligated to follow through with these discussions.
  4. Confidentiality and Data Security: Temporary workers may be required to sign certain forms or fixed-term contracts. In such cases, they should receive all company benefits, including sick leave. Terminations should adhere to the terms outlined in the contract.
  5. Equipment and Resources: Employers should provide adequate equipment and resources for temporary workers to fulfill their roles effectively. This may include laptops, phones, and necessary passwords.
  6. Onboarding: Efficient onboarding is crucial. A smooth introduction to the organisation and relevant personnel ensures temporary workers can contribute effectively from day one.

Reo Group offers a consultative approach to temporary workers across Finance & Accounting, Technology, Marketing, Human Resources, Supply Chain & Operations, and Business Support & Admin. If you're looking for temporary staffing solutions tailored to your needs, we're here to assist you.


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